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The Pro Photography WA Inc. Accredited Photographer scheme is an optional business-focused accreditation scheme available only to ordinary members of the Association who are actively engaged as a photographer in the business of creating and selling photographic images to customers.

The Scheme acknowledges professional competence to a high standard in the areas of image quality, customer service, and ethical and professional business practice.

The objectives of the Pro Photography WA Inc. Accredited Photographer scheme are to provide:

  1. Accredited Photographers with a valuable ‘point of difference’ when competing with non-accredited photographers.
  2. Clients with a reasonable degree of assurance that an Accredited Photographer will provide quality work in a professional manner, and be adequately insured for public liability.

More details relevant to an intending applicant are in the Accredited Photographer Handbook 

View Handbook

A video also contains  information about the scheme. 

View Video


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