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This page details the examples and evidence you require for your membership category;

  1. Ordinary Membership
  2. Student Membership
  3. Retiree Membership
  4. Non-WA Membership

Ordinary Member

For Ordinary Members (not student or retiree members) two sets of evidence are required as part of the application process

  1. A portfolio of 20 images.
  2. A selection of Business documents.

The purpose of this part of the process is not to intentionally make it difficult for people to apply but to make sure that we are the `right fit for you' and you for us. There are many aspects to being a professional photographer, including the crafting of high quality , professionally polished imagery suitable for a range of clients and markets. Then there is the business side of the profession. Pricing, business planning, legal considerations, marketing, business processes, tips and tricks. 

Part 1 - A portfolio of 20 images.

Can be submitted in two ways;

  • As a portfolio of digital image files (JPEGs) which are uploaded to a drop box (such as Googledrive, Dropbox, Onedrive, etc) and you provide a link in your application.
  • Your website or social media platform

Image criteria - your images are to be of professional quality (well captured, exposed, sharp where needed, etc). Competent camera craft and proficiency in post-production. We're not necessarily looking for award-winning excellence, it's competent, quality professional photography.

If submitting a specific folio of images the image file format should be as follows;

  • JPEG format (Photoshop compression at 10 or higher. Raw converter (Lightroom, Capture 1, etc)  at 80% or higher compression).
  • File size = 2,000 pixels on longest edge.
  • Colour space = sRGB or Adobe RGB (1998)
  • File size to not exceed 2 MB.

Note: Applicants submitting images via the `website option' may be requested to supply images via a dropbox or similar should the website images be insufficient  for an assessor to make a fair judgement.

Part 2 - Business examples and evidence

Provide items from the following list to the value of 50 points.

(Please note: Insurance, ABN, website, social media pages, etc. must all be related to the photographic/videographic business of the applicant):

Example / EvidencePoints Value
Public Liability insurance20
Active ABN20
Formal Qualification at Diploma level or higher20
If currently employed in a photographic/videographic business, an employment letter from your employer20
Current member of an overseas professional photography/videography association (e.g. NZIPP, BIPP, etc.)15
Previous AIPP Accredited Member20
Owner/operator of a photographic/videographic service or supplier business20
Previous recognised awards (max three)15 pts each
Active social media pages10
Working With Children Check10
Police clearance10
Client Reference (max three)10 pts each
Peer Reference (max three)10 pts each
Exhibited a collection of images at a Gallery, within last 10 years (max three)10 pts each

Total required = 50 points

Student Member

Proof of current enrolment in an Australian course which upon successful completion would result in the award of a qualification in photography/videography at Diploma level or higher.

Retiree Member

Proof of full retirement from the workplace, and earning and income from the business or photography/videography or a related business for the ten years immediately preceding retirement.

Associate Member

Exactly the same requirements as above depending upon the class of membership you would belong to if you resided in WA.

Any questions, please contact


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